I sat down and thought for a while of a 'good' starting point, something that i could take anywhere and do anything with. I was thinking along the lines of a really vague and open concept, an idea that i could build a whole big body of research and different ideas and concepts of.
I started to think of the portrait, the thousands of ideas that have been done and the biggest and most obvious names in photography (Annie Leibovitz, David Bailey, Mario Testino, Diane Arbus etc etc...) and what i could do, as like i mentioned could branch of into so many different possibilities.

I also thought of other genres that have such a huge range of possibilities and angles.
Street photography- although i find it interesting and (not to sound like a snob) but formative? maybe the word, i dunno. But you learn a lot from this kind of photography. I'd love to makw this kind of photography but i dont think its really my style, im not into involving people i dont really know and getting them involved in my work and that kinda thing... Plus we went over street photography in 1st year.
Still life- just bores me thinking about it.
Conceptual photography- i lurrrrrve, im so into this kind of photography, making and viewing. I love being more creative just because its creative and also having a more personal meaning and touch to works.