Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Daniel Canogar

A photographer and moving image maker, living and working in Madrid. Daniel Canogar works with processes ranging from the prehistory of the photograph to its future; he uses shadows and projective mechanisms through computer graphics&optical fibre.

His work depicts the human body in a repetitive structure, often making the viewer feeling vulnerable to its aggressive nature and tones.The way in which the hands overlap and intertwine with each other creates an intense state and atmosphere, which almost makes me feel a little claustrophobic and pressured.
It also feels directed at me, the open hands and pointing fingers are very direct and harsh to look at for a long period of time. This however is not his intention, his thesis is based on viewing through complicated technology and is solely based on the way it is exhibited. So viewing this on a large scale as it is indeed exhibited, usually wallpapered over several walls would be very powerful and piercing (see below)

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